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Year 6

Welcome To Year Six


Here in the year 6 classroom we are writers, mathematicians, artists, scientists, engineers, designers, performers and much more. We use our learning powers to ensure we are always trying our best, reaching our potential and, of course, having fun! Please stop back often for updates, photos and information about our wonderful work and exciting activities. 


Year 6 teacher: Mrs Bugg 





Autumn 2

Changing Populations


This term welcomes our first geographical focus of the year. We will be exploring global population and identifying factors which impact population around the world including push and pull factors which affect migration. During this term, we will be conducting our first piece of Year 6 fieldwork where we will explore our local area, gather data and even interview local residents. Towards the end of the term, we will begin to work on our Christmas celebrations including our performance and our enterprise project.


P.E is on Mondays and Thursdays this year. 




Our Archive Workshop was very interesting!

Codebreaking well-known cyphers in computing was fun!

Macro Photography Project

We searched for living and non-living things in our school grounds using the knowledge of the four conditions for life: movement, growth, reproduction and excretion.
