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Supporting Families



Flyford Flavell Primary  School

Supporting Families 


At Flyford Flavell Primary School we recognise the challenges that families face in bringing up children. There may be times when you need extra help and support. If this is the case please come and talk to us. . We can help to plan specific support for families where we can all work together to set and achieve outcomes. The diagram below shows the range of needs at different levels. We use this graduated approach to make sure we provide the best support for different families’ individual situations.  

Providing support  to our pupils and families at Flyford Flavell Primary School,  means we are more effective in promoting support as soon as we can. 


Key Personnel:

The Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is: Mrs R Bennett

The deputy DSL(s) is: Mrs H Bown Telephone:01386 462228

The nominated safeguarding governor is :  Mrs A Howarth Telephone:01386 462228

The Headteacher is: Mrs R Bennett

Contact details:  email:   head Telephone:01386 462228

The Chair of Governors is: Mrs A Howarth

Contact details: Telephone:01386 462228



In Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024  it makes it clear that all staff should be aware of their local support process and understand their role in it. In addition, this statutory document makes it clear that any child may benefit from early help, but all school and college staff should be particularly alert to the potential need for early help for a child who:

  • Is disabled and has specific additional needs;
  • Has special educational needs (whether or not they have a statutory education, health care plan);
  • Is a young carer;
  • Is showing signs of being drawn in to anti-social or criminal behaviour, including gang involvement and association with organised crime groups;
  • Is frequently missing/goes missing from care or from home;
  • Is misusing drugs or alcohol themselves;
  • Is at risk of modern slavery, trafficking or exploitation;
  • Is in a family circumstance present challenges for the child; such as substance abuse, adult mental health problems or domestic abuse;
  • Has returned home to their family from care;
  • Is showing early signs of abuse and/or neglect;
  • Is at risk of being radicalised or exploited;
  • Is a privately fostered child.



Everyone needs help at some time in their lives and therefore an ethos of early help is important for any school.


Our coordinated response to supporting families is  outlined in the table below. We believe that early interventions for children or families, in many cases, will prevent children from experiencing harm.


All Flyford Flavell Primary  School staff must be aware of our offer  early help. At all times, staff should consider if there is any offer of support  that we can make in order to help a child thrive.


We also liaise with other agencies and people within the local community. The table below lists support offered by our school and also some National organisations that can support children, young people and their families.



Our family support offer: Childhood Anxiety 

Anxiety in Childhood

Lumi Nova s a free NHS app, designed to support children 7-12 who may be experiencing mild/moderate anxiety. NHS Herefordshire & Worcestershire are providing free access to Lumi Nova to families living in Herefordshire and Worcestershire to support children to build skills around managing anxiety, worries and fears.

Please see details below:

Free for families in Herefordshire & Worcestershire — Lumi Nova: Tales of Courage

How it Works

1.Register for free to receive your game key.Click on the region you live in to register for access to Lumi Nova and complete a short survey about your child to receive your game key via text message.

2. Download the free app and enter your Game Key.  Download the Lumi Nova app onto the (iOS/Android) mobile or tablet device you want your child to use and enter your unique game key to start your journey! Keep your Game Key safe and make sure NOT to share it with your child as you’ll need it to unlock and approve certain challenges in the game!

3. Shortlist 3 goals for your child before handing over the device.  To set up the game you’ll first need to shortlist 3 goals for your child. Your child doesn’t need to complete all 3, but will help your child choose the goal that they want to work on.

4. Schedule a regular time 2-3 days a week to support your child as they play.

Find a quiet place to sit with your child as they use Lumi Nova - The first session will take 30-40 minutes to complete but following sessions will only take 10-15 minutes.


Our family support  offer:

CAHMs cast


CAMHs CAST: We can liaise with this professional body which is a service that sits within Worcestershire CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services). They work directly with young people experiencing or at risk of experiencing mental health difficulties. The service offers consultation, advice, support and training which can be specifically tailored to suit the professional seeking the service.


Our family support  offer:




Attendance: Every child whose attendance is below 96% are carefully monitored and support offered wherever possible. Families who have  persistent unauthorised absences are invited to an attendance meeting with school leadership. .  Our school operates a first day response system should pupils be absent from school. 

Our family support offer:



Prevent Trained Staff: All staff have completed the Channel online training, certificates are filed in the safeguarding file. This is now also part of the induction process for new staff.

Our family support  offer:



Child Sexual Exploitation: All staff have been trained through the whole school safeguarding training delivered annually, and are able to identify early indicators of potential cases of child sexual exploitation.


Our family support  offer:



Female Genital Mutilation: All staff have received training on FGM. Teachers know how to identify if a child may be at risk. There are aware of the countries and places within this country where children may be taken to for this to happen. They know the signs to look for and most importantly how to refer, following the schools safeguarding procedures.


Our family support offer:



PSHE Programme: Our school delivers comprehensive Personal, Social, Health and Economics, (PSHE) and Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) programmes. These further support the children’s understanding of how to keep themselves safe. It also broadens their understanding of strategies to develop their resilience, as well as their awareness of their mental health and approaches to keep this aspect of their lives healthy.


Our family support offer:

Online safety


Online safety: Each year group is taught 6 units of e-safety lessons throughout the year, linking directly with areas of computing they are working on. We have run presentations led by the NSPCC to support both children and parents to develop a greater awareness of the dangers they face online each day, as well as strategies to keep themselves safe. Regular hints and tips to protect children online, relating to specific areas of interest for children such as Fortnite and Tik-Tok are shared via monthly newsletters.


Our family support  offer:



Thrive: When appropriate, pupils are referred to a specialist Thrive teacher.  The Thrive approach provides staff with action plans for the children’s individual needs. Research has shown that how we behave is linked to how we feel and our emotions are linked to how we learn.  By teaching children to recognise and notice these feelings and emotions it can help with their development and learning. Thrive promotes their emotional and social growth by building positive relationships between a child and their peers and helps them explore and understand their feelings through various activities.


What is our Family Support offer?


Family Support 

Family Support  means providing support as soon as a problem appears, to stop it from getting worse. This could be at any point in a child's life, from birth to the teenage years.

Anyone can provide family support – you don't need to be an expert professional. Family support  is not about passing the issue on to an expert, but thinking about what is the best support you can offer.

We can provide effective support by:

  • listening
  • working with other people who could help
  • finding out about specialist agencies who could help
  • filling out an Early Help Assessment with the person you are helping
  • contacting Children's Social Care if you think the problem is more serious

There is a lot of information and advice on the Advice, Care, Health and Support pages as well as detail of local services that can provide support for children, young people and families.

Download: Worcestershire Safeguarding Children Board – Early Help Strategy 2017 to 2020

Download: Worcestershire Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) strategy



The Front Door to Children’s Services


(Previously: Children’s Helpdesk).





If a member of staff, parent/carer or member of the public thinks a child or young person is at immediate risk of significant harm they should contact the Family Front Door (FFD) – 01905 822 666 or in an emergency always call 999.


Do not wait to discuss this with the DSL/DDSL but do report it afterwards.


WSCB (Worcestershire

Safeguarding Children’s Board) website.



Important information for parents and professionals across Worcestershire in relation to keeping children safe and avenues of support including early help options. Everyone should know how to access this website which has all of the agreed Worcestershire safeguarding and child protection processes on it.


Universal source of help for all families in Worcestershire:

Worcestershire Family

Information Service (FIS)






Worcestershire Family Information Service (FIS)

advisors give impartial information on childcare, finances, parenting and education. FIS are a useful source of information for parents and professionals. They support families, children and young people aged 0-19 years of age (25 for young people with additional needs) and professionals working with these families. They can help link parents up with other organisations that might be able to help or provide the information themselves.


Home-school support


Worcestershire Home Education Network







Home education is becoming an increasingly popular option for families in Worcestershire and we have a growing community that are able to offer each other support. Between us we have years of experience in educating children of all ages and are able to organise and put on a range of activities.

We hold meetings usually at least weekly, throughout term time at various locations round the county-for example:

- Social gatherings occur monthly in North Worcestershire for all ages, with both indoor and outdoor games plus organised activities such as climbing/zip-wires/grass sledging for 8+.

- Monthly meeting in Worcester with games, music and crafts for all ages.

- Monthly social meeting in south Worcestershire, including indoor and outdoor games, group music session and a drama group.

- Bowling or Ice skating most months.

- "Education group" workshops organised regularly. Recent workshops have include: Marvellous Mosaics' 'Gunpowder plot' 'Medieval life', 'Making Music' and 'Creative Writing.


Contact us on:


E-safety (Online Safety)




Online Activity (phones, computers) can be a serious risk to children: The use of technology has become a significant component of many safeguarding issues. Child sexual exploitation; radicalisation; sexual predation – technology often provides the platform that facilitates harm. With the right support, education and safety measures in place the internet and new technologies can also bring great benefits but we must all be vigilant

PACE (parents against child exploitation) UK is

a useful website to engage parents with safety issues. -

This is the Child Exploitation and Online

Protection (CEOP) Centre. It’s a one stop shop for most information about online safety.

(excellent resources) - This is the

government website to help parents and professionals understand the risks of children

and young people being radicalised by

extremists online and how to keep children safe

from this. – A great site for

helping parents keep their children safe online.


Mental Health















We have some useful self-help guides/leaflets available for you to access online. The guides are available for you to read online. The self-help guides can be accessed by typing the below link into your URL and selecting ‘Self Help Guides’:

Staying Safe

0845 767 800

116 123
(24 hour helpline)

Rethink Mental Illness
0300 5000 927

Mental Health Foundation

0300 123 3393 or
text 86463

Anxiety UK
08444 775 774

Bullying (including cyberbullying)/ Child death/suicide/prevention













Cyberbullying is using the internet, email, online games or any digital technology to threaten, tease, upset or humiliate someone else.

If the police consider a message or post to be potentially criminal, they will take appropriate action. This could involve arresting the person responsible or interviewing them under caution. Cases involving sustained abuse or where someone’s life is threatened will be treated seriously. The police will consider all of the circumstances when considering the best response to a report of cyber bullying. They will assess how vulnerable the victim is and what resources are required to trace the offender via social networking sites that often operate abroad and to different legislation. In certain cases it may be difficult to take action if the offender isn’t in the UK. They will work with the victim to bring about the most suitable and proportionate conclusion, this will include alternative options that include the officer in the case using their discretion and working with the offender to record an apology to the victim.

Useful links

Bullying UK


KidScape:                                                                               Our resources provide information on issues surrounding bullying, online and personal safety. They can be used directly by young people and parents, as well as in the classroom within schools and youth organisations.

Hollie Guard-A new personal safety APP


Children & Teens

  • Hollie Guard keeps your entire family safe.
  • Keep an eye on your children while they’re traveling to and from school with Journey.
  • Teens can get help quickly while out with friends.
  • Parents, guardians, and caregivers are automatically contacted by both SMS and email.

Hate Crime










A hate crime is a criminal offense whose motivation can be shown to be race, national origin, religion or sexual orientation. A difference of race alone is NOT sufficient to make it a hate crime. There would have to be evidence of racial slurs or racial statements in addition to the crime (this does not trivialise other serious offenses that are NOT hate crimes).

Hate Crime:

West Mercia Police:


Emergency number: 999

Non-Emergency number: 101

report online to True Vision (opens in a new window)

Call in at your local police station

