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Our Governors

Welcome to our Governor Section

Our Governing Body is made up of the following Governors:


Mrs Rosalind Bennett                                    Headteacher
Mrs Anne Howarth                                        Chair of Governors/Co-opted Governor                                                                 

Mr Martyn Palmer                                         Vice Chair/Co-opted Governor

Miss Hannah Short                                        Staff Governor
Mrs Tania Jones                                           Parent Governor/Chair of FPP Committee

Mr Tim George                                             Co-opted Governor

Mrs Amy Smith                                            Parent Governor

Mrs Emma Austin                                         Parent Governor

Mrs Jo Moseley                                           Parent Governor/Chair of Performance and Standards Committee

Mrs Linda Robinson                                      Local Authority Governor

Mr Glenn Dunkley                                         Associated Governor                 
Charlotte Patterson                                     Clerk to Governors


The 3 core strategic functions of our Governing Body are:


  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure that its money is well spent.


Governors are also responsible for ensuring that the school meets statutory requirements with regards to Safeguarding, Health & Safety, the Curriculum and Finance.


The Full Governing Body meets 4 times a year, and all Committees meet either half termly or termly.


FPP (Finance, Premises, Personnel) Committee  is responsible for the initial oversight and management of the annual budget drawn up the by the school; ensures the school maintains an appropriate system of internal financial control and agrees priorities for revenue and capital funding.  This committee provides strategic advice and guidance on staffing and personnel issues; reviews proposals for the promotion of staff.  The committee also provides oversight of the management and maintenance of the school premises; reviews proposals for capital projects and ensures best practice in procurement and implementation of works; provides advice and guidance on premises maintenance issues; lead responsibility for Health & Safety and monitoring of associated statutory requirements.  The Chair of this committee is Phil Pyne.


Performance & Standards Committee ensures the school offers a broad and balanced curriculum in accordance with the National Curriculum; reviews term dates and the length of the school day; reviews school performance data on a half termly basis and completes learning walks and book trawls.  The Chair of this committee is Anne Howarth.








Anne Howarth, Chair of Governors

I live in Naunton Beauchamp and have 5 grandchildren, all at First School age,but not living in Worcestershire. I have a background in education having taught in state and independent schools, and lectured at University.  For the last 10 years I have been a member of the Independent Schools Inspectorate. I am also a governor of a large independent school in Birmingham. 

I think Flyford First School is a wonderful example of a rural village school. I am always struck by how confident and articulate the children are and how well they relate to adults.

I am a great believer in village communities and spend my leisure time love walking my 2 dogs on our local footpaths.









Councillor Linda Robinson, Local Authority Governor

I became a Governor at Flyford when I was elected as  District Councillor for the Upton Snodsbury Ward in which it sits in 2007. My Grandaughter Blu is a pupil and is currently  in Year 3.

I am now Leader of the Council at Wychavon District Council and have become the local authority governor. I am proud to be associated with such a vibrant, forward thinking and caring school and am pleased to be able to offer help or advice in any way I can from a local authority perspective.





Register of Business Interests

Governor Diversity Data (as at July 2023)

Attendance Register for Full Governing Board meetings

Attendance Register for FPP (Finance, Personnel & Premises) Committee Meetings

Attendance report for Performance & Standards Committee Meetings
