Parent Charter
We know that children learn best and feel happiest when warm and purposeful relationships are developed between home and school. We really appreciate working as a team with parents/carers and are grateful for all the support we receive.
We are always here to listen! We want your child to feel happy and safe in school so please always talk to us about any concerns.
We prefer face to face contact if possible or telephone conversations if not. Talking things over and finding solutions together is by far the best way to address any worries.
Our teachers are available at the start of each day for a quick chat – however, if you need longer, please call in after school or telephone for a mutually convenient appointment.
We are keen to receive emergency emails out of hours, for example bereavement, safeguarding concerns, illness etc. In an emergency, we want to be able to support our families at any time.
Please send non-emergency emails during normal working hours. Our committed staff check emails out of hours in case of emergencies so we like to keep their inboxes free from non-urgent communications so that they can switch off. Parents can always draft a non-urgent email at their convenience and then set it to send during working hours.
Many answers to queries can be found in our newsletter or website. We aim to keep parents abreast of key dates in a timely manner.
We will always share any concerns or worries that we have about your child with you.
We ask that any concerns are shared with school and not on social media and that our staff are always spoken to in an appropriate manner. We reserve the right to terminate any conversation which is compromising staff well-being. We ask that all communication is polite and respectful.
Support for School
We ask that parents support our policies, routines and procedures.
We have many families to please and many children to care for, so there may be rare occasions when we have to agree to differ on how we operate. Whilst we aim to be flexible and accommodating, sometimes it is just not possible to please everyone. On these occasions we would ask for parents to understand the wider context in which we work and continue to support us. If we have to agree to differ, let’s do it with warmth and grace. We still need those positive relationships to ensure best outcomes for our children!
As a reflective school, we may amend our policies, routines and procedures if they are not working as well as we hoped. We ask for your patience and understanding on these occasions.
We ask that parents support us in ensuring high levels of school attendance and punctuality. Please only withdraw children from school when they are genuinely ill.
Home learning is vital to ensure good progress and prepare children for their next steps. Please encourage and support your child to complete their home learning tasks.
Please encourage your child to get involved with our extra-curricular clubs – they are great fun and add to the vibrancy of our school life.
Please attend our parents’ evenings where we will share children’s progress and discuss next steps. We are proud of our children and want to share their achievements!
Finally, please remember that we are human, we make mistakes – please be forgiving if your child comes home with the wrong jumper or reading book. In return, we promise that we will be understanding when they come to school without their lunch or P.E. kit!