The 3 Waves of SEND Support
Support, intervention and individualisation of learning is offered to all children at Flyford. Intervention, or support offered, is organised into 3 stages or waves.
Wave 1 - Universal: Quality First Teaching, inclusive education and adaptions made to lessons, curriculum, resources and small interventions. All children receive this.
Wave 2 - Targeted: Individualised, specialised intervention that requires additional knowledge and training by the adult delivering the intervention and designed for a particular need.
Wave 3 - Specialist: Specialised support or intervention that requires additional knowledge and skills gained from a professional outside of school, such as interpreters or Educational Psychologists.
Most children with identified SEND show progress with ordinarily available QFT methods (wave 1). Some children however, will require additional support from waves 2 or 3, these children will be identified on our SEND register and given individualised provision maps. Some children will require assessment from our learning support team at Worcestershire County Council and some children will require the development of an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
Please see our 'Local Offer' document below, this details the types of support given throughout the 3 waves here at Flyford.