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Who's Who in SEND

'Every Teacher is a Teacher of SEND'


Your Class Teacher: 

Your class teacher is always the best person to speak to about the learning of your child; they use their inclusive teaching methods to ensure the progress of your child in school and will be the most knowledgeable about your child's learning. If your child has an individual provision map (IPM), your Class Teacher will create this in collaboration with you, your child and the SENDCo and will ensure this is delivered. Your Class Teacher will ask you to discuss and build the IPM together each term. However, please feel you can talk to your teacher about your child's needs and progress at any time. 


The SENDCo - Mrs Bugg

Mrs Bugg is responsible for the coordination of all SEND procedures within school. She will work with teachers and professionals from outside our school to ensure our children are supported. 

If your child is identified within the SEND register, Mrs Bugg will work with you, your class teacher and your child to share thoughts and knowledge about your children as learners and work with you and the Class Teacher to build the individual provision map (IPM) for your child.  

If you have any questions about SEND, Mrs Bugg is very happy to support you in any way she can. 


The Headteacher - Mrs Bennett

Your Headteacher ensures that school management policies are delivered, including procedures for children with SEND. The Headteacher also communicates SEND information to the governing body. 


The SEND Governor - Mrs Jo Moseley 

The SEND Governor ensures that the SEND provision within Flyford Flavell is well managed and that all our children receive necessary support. 

