Teaching Children with SEND
Our classrooms are inclusive. Teachers at Flyford ensure their practise is targeted to all children inclusive of those with SEND; this universal, individualised education is what is known as Quality First Teaching (QFT). Most children with identified SEND will thrive and make good progress with the usual adaptations to the curriculum and inclusive teaching methods within our classrooms.
Identifying SEND
Teachers, learning assistants and our SENDCo identify needs of children by a variety of means:
Identification of the needs shown and support given as a response is all part of the QFT offer available at Flyford to all our learners. The support given to children is individualised based on the need identified, however, please see our QFT offer document below which gives an examples of the support we give as part of our excellent teaching practise. A small number of children will have identified needs which require support which goes beyond our QFT offer. These children will be identified as being on our 'SEND Register', please visit the 'Support for SEND' and 'Waves of Support' pages for more information. If your child has been identified as having a need requiring support beyond our QFT, you will be invited in to discuss our assessments and the path for your child going forward.
Quality First Teaching at Flyford Flavell
• Organising the classroom with lots of clear written and symbol labels and designated places for different things to aid children and promote independence.
• Using lots of display posters, pictures and other visual cues around the classroom.
• Differentiated, scaffolded lesson planning which illustrates support and extension with a clear and accessible learning objective.
• Clear direct instructions and assistance throughout the lesson.
• Breaking down lessons and topics into small, manageable chunks with regular check ins to monitor understanding in the class.
• Using assessment to evaluate learning and see where the class is at with a topic.
• Incorporating visual, auditory, written, spoken and kinaesthetic learning. Taking regular breaks from auditory learning to engage with a different type of tasks.
• Giving specific, positive feedback and praise, with any negative feedback delivered in a positive manner considering the individual learner.
• Interactive whiteboard and resources are dyslexia friendly to assist reading.
• Children are grouped in mixed ability partners or groups. In-lesson intervention given to groups of children based on assessment.
• Pictorial and concrete aids are available to support learning, are well modelled and available for children at all times.
• Maths grab bags give children the ability to independently support themselves.
• Visual timetables are used when necessary, timers and now, next and then boards to support understanding and assist time management.
• A range and a flexibility of approaches to recording knowledge.
• Daily opportunities to read aloud with a teacher. Daily arithmetic fluency practice.
• Children have a right to a voice and feel heard though the school council and eco council.
• Same-day intervention given to ensure understanding which is identified during lessons by the class teacher or learning assistant.