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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

In Year 5 we are continuing to grow individually and use our learning powers to continue to develop our extensive range of skills. We will cover a broad curriculum, which will be delivered through a range of approaches and experiences to enhance the learning experience of the children.


Our class teacher is Mr Kearns and our learning assistant is Mrs Rea. Keep checking regularly for news and updates.


Summer 2

During this half-term we will be travelling around the globe for our new topic of 'Deserts Around the World' and exploring what makes them different to other biomes around the world. We have a few trips taking place this half-term which will help keep our final weeks together exciting, we have our bell-boating regatta, our visit to Diglis Fish Pass, and our sports morning at RGS.

In English, we will be looking at writing persuasive letters and diary entries, these will be based on our key text for this half-term. This will allow the children to showcase all that they have learnt over the course of the year.




July 2024: Diglis Island and Fish Pass

June 2024: Year 5 Bell Boating

June 2024: Design and Technology

June 2024: Super Science!

May 2024: Design and Technology

April 2024: Debating Social Media

Home Learning: All Things Oceans and Ancient Greece

February 2024: Stop Motion

January 2024: Speeches

January 2024: Exploring Textures

January 2024: Greek Timelines

December 2023: Design and Technology

October 2023: Design and Technology

October 2023: Bikeability

October 2023: Debating

Super Swimmer
