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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

In Year 5 we are continuing to grow individually and use our learning powers to continue to develop our extensive range of skills. We will cover a broad curriculum, which will be delivered through a range of approaches and experiences to enhance the learning experience of the children.


Our class teacher is Mr Kearns and our learning assistant is Mrs Rea. Keep checking regularly for news and updates.


Complete a reading quiz!

Accelerated Reading


Autumn 2

During this half-term we will be travelling across Europe and exploring The Alps and the geographical features that make them so unique! In English, we are going to start by looking at war time poetry and the features that portray the significance of the World Wars. We then move onto recounts, where we will write our own recount of our time at Manor Adventure.


We will also be gearing up for our residential to Manor Adventure, which I know the children will be very excited for. Please reassure children(and adults too!) that this will all be explained over the coming weeks and I am happy to answer any questions or worries.





November 2024: Robotic Doodlers

October 2024: Debating

October 2024: Bikeability
