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Year 3/4

Welcome to Year 3/4! 

In Year 3/4, we are curious, responsible and motivated learners. We seek to develop our independence and are always determined to work to the best of our ability. We show kindness and respect to our peers and friends as we support each other in our learning journeys. We are developing our learning powers and honing the ability to reflect and persevere in all that we do. 

Our Class Teacher is Miss Price.

Our Learning Assistants are Mrs Lightfoot, Mrs Munday and Mrs Harding.


Summer 1

The children will complete SPaG, English and Reading lessons daily but in our English lessons this term, our focus will be adapting The Treasure by Marcela Ferreira by creating new characters to replace existing ones. We will then progress to a non-fiction sequence, beginning by producing information texts about the rainforest. We will develop these further to produce persuasive letters and speeches on the topic. We will build on our work to balance descriptive writing and direct speech by adapting The Treasure. Our non-fiction sequence will focus on how we can adapt the tone of our key features, such as fronted adverbials, conjunctions and prepositions to suit a different writing purpose/tone.  


In Maths, we will begin the term with the consolidation and conclusion of our fractions units.
Year 4 will then use this knowledge to support an initial study of decimals and how to represent values as both fractions and decimals. Year 3 will complete their mass and capacity unit, identifying equivalence, making comparisons and adding and subtracting values.
Both year groups will then move on to a measurement unit on money. 


In Science this term, we will begin with a short study of how to sustainably reduce energy usage.
We will then conclude our data collection/investigation over time study by comparing results from all three terms.
Finally, we will begin a short unit on habitats and deforestation; creating classification keys and examining habitat loss globally.


In History, we will consider what happened when the Romans left Britain at the beginning of the 5th century. We will explore the invasions made by the Anglo Saxons, Scots and other groups. This will also form the subject of our Class Assembly! We will be learning songs and a short drama piece about the Viking raiders! 
We will continue to explore inputs and outputs, instructions and memory, as well as the internal components of different computers/tablets in Computing. 
In Music, we will continue to explore the use of instruments in Calypso music and improvise performances in this style. We will then learn about the style of ragtime music in our Jazz unit. Children will learn about syncopation, scatting and how to write a jazz motif.  
We will finish the construction of our slingshot cars with the design and creation of a car chassis in DT. We will then begin a craft and design unit exploring the rainforest. This unit will guide children through the creation of abstract artworks depicting rainforest animals and creating patterns on fabric in the style of William Morris.  
This half term, we will resume our weekly PE lessons on a Wednesday. This will be our Athletics lesson.
On Fridays with Mrs Rea, our second PE lesson of the week will focus on the development of Hockey skills. 





July 2024: Super Science

April 2024: Designing Slingshot Cars

Year 3/4 Curriculum 2023-2024

November 2023: Multi Skills Challenge

Sarehole Mill Prehistoric Birmingham Day - September 2023

Gymnastics - Balances - September 2023
