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Flyford Flavell Music Curriculum.



Flyford Flavell Primary School’s music scheme of work aims to inspire pupils to become confident musicians and inspire a love of music.   We develop the skills, knowledge and understanding to help pupils become confident composers, listeners and performers.  Our music curriculum introduces music to children from around the world and across generations teaching children to respect and appreciate the traditions of different cultures and communities.



Our curriculum takes a holistic approach to music, in which the individual strands detailed below are interwoven together to create engaging and enriching learning experiences.

  • Performing
  • Composing
  • History of Music
  • Listening
  • Inter- related dimensions of music

Children will be taught to sing fluently and expressively and play tuned and untuned instruments accurately and with control.  They will learn to recognise and name the interrelated dimensions of music – pitch, duration, tempo, timbre, structure, texture and dynamics – and use these expressively in their own improvisations and compositions.  We implement a spiral curriculum, where previous skills and knowledge are revisited and built upon.



Our pupils leave school equipped with a range of musical skills and knowledge to enable them to study music with confidence at Key stage 3.  They have  a lifelong love and appreciation of music.
