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Early Years Foundation Stage


At Flyford Flavell Primary School Primary School and Pippins Pre School we strive to ensure that the children are immersed in a safe and engaging learning environment. We promote curiosity within our setting and provide the children with exciting and memorable learning experiences. Through playful activities we support the children to develop resilience, independence, and curiosity.  Within our learning environment we want to make sure the children have fun, are well cared for and enjoy their learning journey.



Our learning environment is developed and delivered to ensure progress for all learners. We recognise that all children are unique and therefore strive to ensure that our provision meets the individual needs of all learners. We are always reflecting on our independent learning provision and changing it to meet the needs of our children. We pride ourselves on the positive relationships we have built with our children. These support us to understand how to best support and challenge our learners. Our resources are purposeful and provide children with the opportunity to build and develop the relevant skills. We ensure our provision immerses the children in all areas of learning.

The Early Years Foundation Stage is broken down into seven areas of learning. These are:

• Personal, Social and Emotional Development

• Communication and Language

• Physical Development

• Literacy

• Mathematics

• Understanding the World

• Expressive Arts and Design


We also ensure that our activities and provision support the Characteristics of Effective learning. These are:

• Playing and exploring – children investigate and share experiences and ‘have a go’.

• Active Learning – children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties and enjoy achievements.

• Creating and Thinking Critically – children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.



Our children are happy, confident learners and feel secure in our environment. This ensures they take risks and demonstrate independence within their learning. The children in Early Years are assessed on an everyday basis through observations, questioning and adult-led activities. This continuously updated knowledge of where the children are in their level of development allows us to help all children make individual progress. Our children leave us with the skills and knowledge they need for their next stage of their learning journey.
