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Year 6

Welcome To Year Six


Here in the year 6 classroom we are writers, mathematicians, artists, scientists, engineers, designers, performers and much more. We use our learning powers to ensure we are always trying our best, reaching our potential and, of course, having fun! Please stop back often for updates, photos and information about our wonderful work and exciting activities. 


Year 6 teacher: Mrs Bugg -





Summer 1

Historical Heroes


This term we are shifting our focus back to history with our new topic: Historical Heroes! We will be exploring the lives of significant figures in history and discussing how they have impacted our lives today. We will be evaluating what makes an individual historically significant and deciding ourselves who we believe is the most influential person and who should be on the next pound note in print. 


P.E is on Tuesdays and Thursdays this year. 

Topic homework will be released after half term. 



Year 6 had a wonderful time trying out our new equipment! Thank you PTA.

Thank you Year 6 for your incredible homelearning projects!

We assessed our school grounds and found suitable areas for solar panels to strengthen our knowledge of renewable energy sources.

Thank you Mr Kearns for organising a wonderful Severn Trent workshop!

Happy World Book Day Flyford!

Having fun investigating shadows in science!

We explored light and shadows as part of our Science learning.

Our amazing Chiaroscuro art!

Life on the Home Front - we travelled back in time to 1942 with Dora to experience life in Britain during World War 2

We designed and created amazing waistcoats for our cuddly toys.

Christmas Party Day!

Thank you Year 6 for your amazing home learning projects.

Our Geography Field Work

Exciting Electricity!

Well done to our Flyford WMTC Team!

Macro Photography Project
