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The Next Step

SEND and Transition


Change can be difficult for all children and families and can be especially so for those with SEND. If, or when, your child is transitioning to another setting, either through moving to the next phase or a house move; we ensure that we make that transition as smooth as possible for all the family and offer support in any way that we can. How children manage change is individual: some may need more support than others. We will put in place any strategies that you, your child or we feel would help them manage a period of transition. 


Transitioning to a new class: 

  • Teachers at Flyford communicate excellently, so your new teacher will already know lots about your child. However, teachers will meet together to discuss all children including those with SEND. This is an especially important time to discuss ways of teaching and learning that your child particularly responds to.
  • IPMs, assessments and any documentation will be shared with your new teacher.
  • 'Moving up' days give your children an opportunity to meet and get to know their new teacher. 
  • Your new teacher will meet with parents of children on the SEND register to discuss your new IPM (if applicable) and any needs your child has and any strategies you feel benefit from.  


Moving to a new school: 

  • The SENCo will hold a meeting with the SEND leader at your new setting to ensure that all information regarding your child, their progress, needs and interventions are discussed. 
  • All documentation including assessments and provision maps will be forwarded to the new school so that intervention can continue. 


Moving on to Key Stage 3 at the end of Year 6: 


  • Transition activities are arranged with nearby schools so children can get to know others moving to their new secondary school.
  • The SENCo will meet with SEN leaders in the High School to discuss needs, interventions and additional strategies. 
  • Your child can visit their secondary school more times if necessary and we can assist with individual transition arrangements if needed. 
  • Please also know you are well within your rights to contact your new school as a parent to share any information. 











